Sunday, September 19, 2010

The wound Vac machine.

This is the wound Vac machine.
It has a permanent place of residence with me now.
I am thinking of naming it, but there are no names that I can think of for it that young ears can hear!
The cord is attatched to my would vac sealed under my left arm.
I watch my blood go through the line across the floor and into a cannister that is attatched to the right side of the machine itself.
I carry the machine in the black pouch around my neck or hang near me when I am not mobile.
The machine has alarms that warn you if the "seal" to the vac on the wound has been broken. I have been careful and successful at avoiding an alarm thus far.
 I have been through one canister of blood from the wound. It has been five days since the vac was placed.
It comes with a charger.
Therefore I now have limited mobility by the charger cord and by the tubing that transfers blood from my wound to the machines canister.

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