Thursday, August 26, 2010

The worst is yet to come......

Since I expected the complete surgery to be done on 8/23/2010 I was extremely upset that now I will have to endure a second surgery in 7 to 10 days. I had mentally prepared myself for this surgery for at least a month. I also worked with my boss to make sure this could be done in a manner where I could miss minimal time from work without pay.
 My surgeon decided at the time of my original surgery that since I had a "flare up" of infection and boils still, that it would only be dangerous to have the original surgery done due to the infection already set in. It could in fact cause more infection post op. Since I now have a resistance to antibiotics. ( Since I have been taking so many antibiotics due to the disease) She has informed me that she will be leaving the country and now I will be introduced to one of her fellow associates to perform the surgery instead. The surgical group office has informed me that they will be calling me to see how I recuperated from the first procedure and updating on the infection that I already have before they can make further arrangements.
I will keep you posted.

right arm after packing was removed. Taken 8/25/2010

Left arm after packing was removed from inside of arm taken 8/25/2010

Right arm after surgery procedure taken on 8/24/2010

Left arm after surgery procedure taken on 8/24/2010

I showed up for surgery at Good Samaritan hospital in Dayton, Ohio. I was admitted three hours before surgery actually would take place. In a hospital gown and given bags of I.V.'s my surgeon informed me that it would be an unwise decision to perform the complete surgery  at this time as my infectious boils were still present. Infection before surgery would make my healing process and risks much more dangerous.
She decided instead to only lance and drain the infectious boils and continue antibiotics again. I was put to sleep in the surgery room and was waken in the recovery room with instructions to return for the next surgery in approximately seven more days.
This was a delay that I had not anticipated. I was told it would be one surgery. I did though, respect that I could not risk infection. Therefore, I was grateful of her decision.

Right arm prior to surgery 8/23/2010

Again infectious boils that lay deep inside of the axis (armpit)
As well as scars from recent lacerations.

Left arm prior to surgery on 8/23

Infection had set in prior to my surgery scheduled on 8/23/2010 and I had to be "lanced" and put on antibiotics of Bactrim before showing up for my surgery date.
These boils were mostly internal and not seen as intense as they actually are because they lay deep inside of the axis ( armpit). However you can see the "lumps" from the infection and internal boils.

My name is Jennifer

My name is Jennifer.

Since possibly the late 80's I have been suffering from Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
Believe it or not, I did not have a name to this disease until finally July 19th, 2010 when I was sent to a general surgeon. A few short weeks ago.
I had seen my family doctors, dermatologists and many urgent care facility Physicians about this matter.
Now, I could research it and see blogs from people with cases similar to mine.
I was amazed to know that others deal with this and that it is a disease. I am also still more surprised at the fact that my friends, relatives, and strangers have confided with me the same problem once I became verbal about it.
I decided that I should blog my experience. This is my first "blogging" attempt.  You must all be forgiving as to my mistakes. I feel that if this blog can "enlighten" just one person suffering then it was all worth while!
Even in the truth of my embarrassment of the experience, I cannot express how painful H.S. has been for me. I have learned to try to ignore the pain..... just so that I could continue to function at work, home and play. The truth be known, I just pretended that I was not in the terrible pain that I was in mostly on a daily basis. I faked the fact that my pain was unbearable and that it kept me from concentrating as well as usual on my job and usual daily responsibilities.
I never grew a tolerance for the pain but I thought I had to live with it because it was a "closet disease" for me and I felt ashamed to talk about my "infectious boils" with others. I did expose the disease to my loved ones at home and they tolerated me on days when the pain was unbearable. I finally did expose my infections to my work "family" by showing the underarm boils just so they could understand. They did understand and have sympathy. But after all we still had a job to do.
I believe that in knowledge there is power.
In the power of knowledge, you can make informed decisions. I decided to be brave. I seen the blogs, gruesome photo's and read painful testimonies of those who chose surgery before me. I have to tell you that it was one of the scariest decisions I ever made to agree to end this torment with surgery. I cannot live with the hazy fog of pain any longer. I want to live to my fullest potential and cannot do so with this horrific disease.
Please do not live with this disease full on myths just to keep from your own embarrassment. If a disease can be healed, heal it, and find yourself lucky.
I will try to post the pictures I have taken from the beginning to the end. Wish me luck on learning how to do just that!