Thursday, August 26, 2010

Left arm after surgery procedure taken on 8/24/2010

I showed up for surgery at Good Samaritan hospital in Dayton, Ohio. I was admitted three hours before surgery actually would take place. In a hospital gown and given bags of I.V.'s my surgeon informed me that it would be an unwise decision to perform the complete surgery  at this time as my infectious boils were still present. Infection before surgery would make my healing process and risks much more dangerous.
She decided instead to only lance and drain the infectious boils and continue antibiotics again. I was put to sleep in the surgery room and was waken in the recovery room with instructions to return for the next surgery in approximately seven more days.
This was a delay that I had not anticipated. I was told it would be one surgery. I did though, respect that I could not risk infection. Therefore, I was grateful of her decision.

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