Sunday, September 19, 2010

This is a photo of what I look like daily.
I have not left my house since the surgery on 9/13/2010. I have a hard time just managing going to the bathroom, getting sponge baths, shampoo every other day and making it to bed.
I must admit when I am in pain I do manage to get to my computer in the kitchen. This blog has occupied my mind and helped me focus on other than the pain.
The outfit that I wear is a swimsuit cover as the tape from the graph wound on my leg tends to stick to shorts. Also the swimsuit cover is forgiving to my underarm area where the Vac is.
You can notice the swelling of my feet, hands and legs. My blood pressure has been high due to pain and I did have to take blood pressure meds and water pills again. My diet is high in fiber and I am taking stool softeners to avoid constipation.
Constipation is common with pain medictions.

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